Thursday, June 30, 2016


"BC房地产局用了10年仍然没有正确地管理好自己这一行业"。 据环球邮报,卑诗省(BC, British Columbia)将委任一位专门的地产监督员监查卑诗地产局。

省长证实,特别地,将杜绝“双重代理” (一个房地产经纪人同时代表买卖双方)。

The Globe And Mail

住宅装修 与 空气净化器

For English version, please click here

府上正在装修?或是打算近期内装修?装修时,室内的灰尘远远超过你的想像。你最好是在外面找到一个地方躲几天。 实在没 地方躲, 请读读这篇经验谈, 看能不能帮到你。

这些还不够。 需要保护自己和家人。一个保护措施就是使用空气净化器!
你可能嘀咕了, 犯得上吗? 如果不用空气净化器, 你和家人的肺就会向这个锅一样落上厚厚一层灰!
我们从COSTCO买了两个:Asept‐Air Life Cell 5‐stage Air Purifier空气净化器:


每个售价$ 299.99,加税$ 38.99(CND)
现在即使我们没有做任何装修, 我们使用它们,
--- 住宅装修时有哪与健康有关的注意事项?
--- 有哪些空气净化器评论或空气净化器用户点评?哪个牌子的空气净化器效果好? 哪家空气净化器质量好?

Monday, June 27, 2016

Renovation and Air Purifier


Are you renovating? Or are you planning to renovate? There are a lots of, lots of, dusts, much more than you could expect. If you can find a place to stay elsewhere, lucky you. Otherwise, read on.

First, make sure you block dusts at each doors
Cover all furniture and cabinets:
Protect all your electronics and appliance
Protect your counter-top and sink:
What if you did not cover to protect from dusts? Look at this poor guy
OK. Is it enough? No, not at all. Do you want your lung like that pot?.

You need to protect yourself and your family too. One of protecting actions is to use AIR PURIFIER! We bought two from COSTCO: Asept‐Air Life Cell 5‐stage Air Purifier. About a week or so, they were shipped to our door way:

The only thing required, before plugging into power, is to remove the plastic bag over the inner filter:
Follow the instruction, it is quit easy to open the purifier, and to remove this plastic cover from the filter, and then put every things back:

We set it at "auto" mode. It automatically select fan speeds based how 'dirty' your air is:

It is much quiet when in "green" light, just like a whispering.
Each costs $299.99, plus tax $38.99 (CND)
And now we continue to use them, even though we don't do any renovation.
I hope this article can partly answer you on these kinds of questions:

--- What are the health-related precautions when doing house renovation?

--- Any reviews on air purifiers? Any user experiences about a air purifier and its performance? Which brand or make of air purifier is good in quality and performance?