Wednesday, September 30, 2015


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-- 没有?恭喜你,可以多去几次地下室了。
-- 有?恭喜你,来对了地方。看看拙文可否帮到您。

通常霉味是湿度太高造成的, 温度越高, 空气中水分越多。 夏天才有霉的问题。我们试过“开窗通风” 和 “放苏打”, 都不管用。 还是买一台吸湿器, 才解决了问题。

作了好多研究比较, 最后选择了这一款: Kenmore MD 70 pint dehumidifier


通常一天或二天就会吸满一水箱。倒水时, 要用手托住水箱底部。据说水箱上的提手很容易拉团断。

很静。 放地下室, 楼上根本听不到。


--- 怎么去除地下室的霉味? 如何去除地下室的潮汽和霉味? 如何清除潮湿的地下室霉味, 地下车库霉味,仓库霉味?

--- 有哪些吸湿机评论或除湿机用户点评?哪个牌子的除湿机效果好? 哪家吸湿器质量好?

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Little Ant And A Watermelon


There was a picture book, which has been influencing me, since my childhood. I read it when I was about 6 or 7 years old, while I was in grade 1 or 2.

I have tried to search the internet, hoping that I could find it published on the internet, but unfortunately, I could not.

Here is the brief story that I can recall:

One hot summer day, a mother ant and her child were walking in a watermelon field, and the child ant was getting thirsty. The mother ant pointed to a watermelon, said, this is called watermelon, watery and sweet. You go and eat it, and I'll take a rest under the shade.
The little ant clamped onto the watermelon, walking around and around, tried biting again and again, nothing tasted good. The hard shell nearly broke the little ant's teeth.

After one hour's fruitless, eagerly and hurriedly rounding and rounding, the little ant stopped.

He woke his mom, and said sadly, sorry mom, but I have to wake you up. I rounded and rounded. And I have to say that the watermelon is not watery, nor sweet. it is hard and no taste at all.

After knowing what his son had being doing, the mother ant said, honey, let's focus on one spot, and persistently dig. With a lots of efforts, they dig through the green hard shell. Deeper and deeper, they dig through the white layer. Suddenly, a stream of red sweet juice splashed onto them. It is the first time in his life, child ant tasted the world's most delicious fruit.
By the focus and persistence, the sweet results follow.

Friday, September 25, 2015

菜谱: 西瓜皮凉菜

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

魁北克省的 Cascades 公园

For English version, please click here.

我推测,这些石头一直站立那里有数万年。有一天,突然一个外力(地震?),这些石头,像切片面包那样, 倒向同一侧:
还有许多的小瀑布。这个别致的地方就是魁北克省的 Cascades 公园。
不过,我还是要提醒你, 早启程30分钟,途径附近的一个小镇那里,塞车严重。

成人收$7门票费,得一个腕带。有了这个腕带, 您还可以游玩附近的另外两个公园。

再看一下这个海滩。不要忘记读读信息板(尽管是法语, 还是可以猜个大概。):

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Grow bean sprouts, without using any bean sprout machines


1. Take a small cup of green beans, wash. Soak into the water, covered, leave it overnight.
For about 12 - 24 hours:
2. Choose a container with holes at bottom. Spread beans at the bottom evenly. Watering. Pressure with weight. Cover.
3. Change the water every morning and evening.
4. after 4 days, harvest. Cut the root.
Too much work? Please see [Grow bean sprouts, by using a bean sprout machine]

Friday, September 18, 2015


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如果砖铺露台或石板路径有缝隙,就很容易长出野草,使得庭院看上去很脏。 (请参见 [铲除长在砖铺露台天井和庭院路径的杂草]):

现在给它浇水, 要'雾'撒,不要把魔沙冲跑。

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Seal the gaps in patio and paved road or path


Your patio looks like this, before sealing. Unsealed patio easily grow wild grasses, making the patio looks dirty (see a-quick-way-to-remove-weeds-in-patio):

Bought 3 bags of magic sand, and spread them evenly. Here is half way done. You can see the comparison:
Now finished the whole patio. Don't forget to use face mask, sun hat and gloves. Each bag weights 25 KG, mind your waist when lifting, loading, unloading.
Now watering it using 'mist' nozzle
It looks like this after it dries, in a few days:
Here is the price
here is the brief instruction from the manufacturer

Sunday, September 13, 2015

不用豆芽机, 也能发豆芽!

For English version, please click here.

1。取一小杯绿豆,洗净。泡入水中, 加盖,一夜。
过12 - 24小时后:
4。四日收获。切根儿, 或不切。